

I have been tagged A LOT lately and have not done the tags, so here is my post of tags

My Quirks

- I don't like people to breath on me

- I don't like to eat very many foods cold (ie salads, salsa)

- I don't like people touching me when I am stressed out

- I always play with my hair when I am driving

- I can't eat a sandwich without picking it apart

Eight Things

8 Things that I’m obsessed with right now . . .
1. Year End (at work)
2. Tim Graduating! ! !
3. Christmas
4. How to lose weight quick
5. Getting Noah fully potty trained
6. Noah (in general)
7. How Noah is doing with daycare (yes I said daycare, and it makes me cry, but he loves it, and it is good for him to play with kids)
8. did I say Year End?

8 Phrase I often use . . .
1. Seriously?
2. I am going to count to 3
3. Get into time out now. (Gotta love two year olds)
4. What the . . .
5. Oh my gosh
6. Oh my heck (I know I live in Utah)
7. I love you
8. Are you serious?

8 Shows I love to watch right now. . .
1. Eli Stone
2. My Worst Enemy
3. Criminal Minds
4. Survivor
5. CSI
6. What Not to Wear
7. House
8. Amazing Race

8 Things I did yesterday. . .
1. Saw Bolt with Noah and Tim
2. Picked out a cute outfit for Christmas
3. Went to the new Smith’s Market Center (along with everyone who lives in Lehi)
4. Held Brinlee
5. Worked
6. Tried to find another pair of jeans for Noah (any suggestions on places that sell cute boy jeans)
7. Thought about running
8. Enjoyed time with my two favorite boys

8 Places I love to eat . . .
1. Café Rio
2. Paradise Bakery
3. Cold Stone
4. Pei Wei
5. 5 Guys
6. El Farols
7. Rumbi
8. Jimmy Johns

8 things I am looking forward to . . .
1. Year End being done
2. January, when school starts and Tim does not have to go
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas
5. Summer (sad I know)
6. Spending the week between Christmas and New Year’s with Noah and Tim (no work)
7. Getting pregnant again
8. Not working any more

8 things on my wish list . . .
1. Tim finding an amazing job with great pay so I can quit my job
2. Another baby
3. Getting skinny
4. Running another ½ marathon
5. Going on vacation with Tim, and to Disney Land with Noah
6. Getting into a single family home (the rules of HOA’s are killing me!)
7. Filling totally rested!
8. Did I say Tim getting a really good job (Good luck with the ecomony)

I tag whoever has not done this tag before.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Did you hear they are cancelling Eli Stone? I just got into it too. They are also cancelling Pushing Daisies which is a favorite of mine! Grr! We should start a protest!
I hope all your wishes come true!