

My SIL tagged me a couple weeks ago and I am just getting to it. (Sorry Nicole)

20 years ago I . . .

- was starting 6th grade
- wanted to be a school teacher when I grew up
- started middle school
- had a moMullet hairdo (sorry no pics)

10 years ago I . . .

- was 21 years old
- worked at Greenwood Construction
- was finishing up my degree at SLCC
- preparing to go on a mission

5 years ago I . . .

- got married to the sexiest guy around

- graduated from the U with my degree in Psychology
- got my dog Drako

- still working for Greenwood Construction

3 years ago I . . .

- was pregnant with my little Noah

- ran my first 5k
- lost my mom

- grew up A LOT

1 year ago I . . .

- still working for Greenwood Construction
- wanted to sell my house, but the market changed my mind
- turned 30
- got employee of the year

This year I . . .

- ran my first half marathon

- took a major promotion at Greenwood Construction
- potty trained Noah
- start working for Modbe

Yesterday I . . .

- (Saturday actually) took 2nd in a 5k (there were only 40 participants, but I finished in 28 minutes, so I was happy about that)
- relaxed after throwing Tim a surprise party the day before
- played with Noah
- did Laundry

Today I . . .

- worked on July’s financial statements
- will go with Megan to a nursing class
- will play pirates with Noah
- started my diet

Tomorrow I . . .

- will spend my morning in meetings
- plan to run with Tim and Noah
- hope to continue on my diet
- maybe go to the State Fair

Next year, hopefully I . . .

- add to my family
- won’t be working full time
- be in better shape (I know that doesn’t work with the first one well)
- will go on a family vacation

I tag Brittney and Jeanine


Nicole said...

Yea, thanks for playing. :)

Amy said...

That was really neat to hear! It is amazing when you can look back at your life and where you have been and think about where you are going! Great job with the 1/2 marathon you inspire me!